OREGON 6 Nomor terakhir di OREGON 07:00 WIB (Tiap hari) ; 2024-11-07. OG4-1079 ; 2024-11-06. OG4-1078 ; 2024-11-05. OG4-1077 ; 2024-11-04. OG4-1076 ; 2024-11-03. OG4-1075. pengeluaran oregon 6 pengeluaran hk hari ini 2023 Nomor terakhir di OREGON 06:00 WIB ; . OG4-1072 ; . OG4-1071 ; . OG4-1070 ; . OG4-1069 ; . OG4-1068. 7 jam yang lalu — The race in Oregon's 6th Congressional District is between Democrat Andrea Salinas, the incumbent, and Republican Mike Erickson. Results; County - Link Alternatif Terbaru